Every day 250 people start to lose their sight in the UK.  More than 2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss that is severe enough to have a significant impact on their daily lives, such as not being able to drive.  An estimated 30,000 people live with sight loss in Cambridgeshire and 1 in 12 adults live with a sight-threatening condition.  Unless there are bold interventions, these figures are set to increase significantly by 2030.

Each year Cam Sight supports around 1,900 people through the following services:

They offer a range of services, groups and activities in order to meet our service users’ practical, social and emotional needs. They believe that each of these supports us to achieve the outcomes stated above: 

Information and Advice

They provide information, advice and relevant links on our website, and operate a telephone helpline between 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays, enabling service users to access signposting, referrals and information on a range of topics including eye health, welfare benefits, NHS partners and other local services.

Casework Support

All service users who need one-to-one support are allocated a Support and Advice Worker who will conduct a holistic, needs-based assessment and put together a support plan tailored to each service user’s individual situation.

Whilst a majority of casework involves support to access welfare benefits or concessions (such as blue badge applications, discounted TV licences and bus passes), they do offer support in other cases where they are the best service to provide the support, or they refer to other specialist services or partner with them as appropriate.

Low Vision Aids, Equipment and Technology

Cam Sight Assistive Technology Workers carry out assessments and demonstrations of low vision aids, equipment and assistive technology – including magnification, lighting, kitchen and home equipment, communication and mobility aids.  Cam Sight supports service users to purchase appropriate equipment and in cases of financial hardship can loan or gift equipment or support them to access grants. In this way, Cam Sight ensure that all who need them are able to access relevant items to help them stay independent at home for as long as possible, get out and about, and continue to pursue their hobbies and interests.

Employability Advice

The Cam Sight Employability Worker offers support and guidance to service users wanting to gain employment. This may include C.V. preparation, interview skills, support with Access to Work applications and advocacy with potential employers around accessibility.

Emotional Support

The two qualified counsellors provide ad-hoc emotional support and formal counselling to service users who are struggling with their mental health, perhaps because they are struggling to adjust to their sight loss. Their support is free, not time-limited, and can be delivered virtually, at service users’ homes or our offices.

Cam Sight also refer service users to statutory mental health services and provides information and signposting to crisis support outside of our opening hours.


The local Cam Sight volunteer befrienders provide a range of support to service users including home visits, regular telephone calls, reading, participation in hobbies and sports, outings, shopping and driving. This is a totally bespoke service, with each befriender selected from our pool of around 200 volunteers and matched to an individual service user based on their location, personal interests, age and availability.

Peer Support Groups

Cam Sight hold monthly peer support groups at various locations throughout Cambridgeshire and Peterborough – in community centres, church halls, care homes and other community settings. These are delivered by a Groups coordinator and volunteers and allow service users to socialise and meet others, access information and have demonstrations of low-vision equipment. Cam Sight provide light refreshments and entertainment and arranges transport for those in need (volunteer or staff drivers or community transport schemes). These social groups help reduce isolation, improve inclusion and well-being, and give staff an opportunity to triage any additional needs.

Sports and Leisure Activities

Cam Sight offer a range of sports and leisure activities, outings and trips. Current regular activities include Pilates, chair-based exercises, tandem cycling, guided running, games and puzzles club, walking groups, dining club and museum touch tours. Cam Sight also hold one-off workshops, trips and outings. Recently these have included astronomy, bushcraft, John Lewis shopping trips, garden centre visits, a day trip to Kew Gardens, and a day trip to Thorpe Park and rock climbing for our under 18s. These activities have been introduced in response to requests from service users and are staff and/or volunteer-led. Cam Sight have found that they help our service users reduce isolation and improve their health and well-being.

Volunteering Opportunities

Cam Sight have a pool of around 200 volunteers, many of whom are also service users. They support Cam Sight with a range of activities including befriending, peer support groups, sports and leisure activities, transport, fundraising, giving talks at schools or community groups, and administration.

If you would like to find out more, please go to https://www.camsight.org.uk/